Selected Publications in Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics, and Research Methods
Forensic Linguistics
Schilling, Natalie. 2019. Can you use language to solve crimes? In Carolyn Myrick and Walt Wolfram (eds.), The Five-Minute Linguist, 3rd edition. Bite-sized essays on Language and Languages. Sheffield: Equinox. 327-330.
Seals, Corinne A., and Natalie Schilling. 2020. Can people really disguise themselves when writing or speaking? In Bauer, Laurie and Andreea S. Calude (eds.), What Everyone Should Know about Language in the 21st Century. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Schilling, Natalie, and Alexandria Marsters. 2015. Unmasking identity: Speaker profiling for forensic linguistic purposes. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 35: 195-214.
Research Methods
Schilling, Natalie. 2013. Sociolinguistic Fieldwork. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- This work published by a leading academic press can be used as a textbook, reference work, or field guide. It is useful for researchers and students in a range of research areas where there may be a need to gather data on language in its social context, for example linguistics, languages, sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. The book is both a ‘how-to’ and a critical exploration of methods and the researcher-participant relationship. Included are vignettes on how ‘students in the field’ confronted an array of research issues.
Schilling, Natalie. 2022. ‘Sociolinguistic fieldwork’, in Oxford Bibliographies in “Linguistics” (ed. Mark Aronoff). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- This is a comprehensive annotated bibliography of works in sociolinguistic fieldwork from its founding in the mid-1960s into the third decade of the 21st Included are sections on Foundational Works, Sociolinguistic Interviews, Surveys and Questionnaires, Language Attitudes/Sociolinguistic Perceptions, Ethnographic Sociolinguistics, Signed Languages, Written Sources and Corpus Data, Remote Data Collection, and Community Ethics and Involvement.